React Explained: Library vs. Framework

Deepak Kumar
2 min readJun 18, 2024

You are here, probably because you are either new to development or preparing for your interview. No matter what, learning this thing is a must for all because it is a basic concept that will help you build your concepts stronger. With that let’s get started!

What’s the Difference Between a Library and a Framework?

Imagine you’re cooking a meal.

Library: A library is like having a cookbook. You can choose which recipes to follow and use them as you see fit. You maintain control over the kitchen.

Framework: A framework, on the other hand, is like a meal kit delivery service. It provides you with the ingredients and instructions, guiding you step by step. The framework dictates the structure and flow, reducing your decision-making.

A library offers you tools to use as you wish, while a framework provides a structured environment that enforces certain patterns and conventions to use in your application.

So, What is React?

React is referred to as a library, but why? React was created by Facebook and it is designed for building user interfaces, specifically for single-page applications. It allows developers to create reusable UI components that manage their own state.

Why is React considered a Library?

  1. React provides you with methods to build components, but it doesn’t describe how you should structure your application. You can use as little or as much of React as you need.
  2. React focuses mainly on the view layer of your application. It’s concerned with how things look and interact, leaving the rest (routing, state management, etc.) up to you to decide.
  3. You can drop React into an existing project without having to rewrite your whole codebase. This flexibility is a hallmark of a library rather than a framework.

Why do Some think React is a Framework?

Well, this is up to people who use it in their own way. Despite being a library, React has some features that blur the lines:

  1. React has a large ecosystem with tools like React Router for navigation and Redux for state management. This extensive ecosystem can make it feel like a framework.
  2. React doesn’t force a specific architecture, the community often converges on certain patterns and best practices, giving it a framework-like feel.


React has framework-like qualities due to its ecosystem and common usage patterns; it is fundamentally a library.

In the end, whether you call React a library or a framework, what truly matters is how you use it to build amazing applications. Happy coding ❤️!

